jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

6 tips que te ayudarán a mantener el orden de tu armario

The Devil Wears Prada
Publicado por José Luis Vargas
El armario se ha transformado para las chicas en esa especie de confidente preferido a la hora de conseguir ese tan preciado outfit. Un lugar que de estar ordenado de manera óptima, les permitirá obtener grandes looks de manera rápida, de lo contrario, el clóset podría transformarse en el peor enemigo de una mujer.
Para optimizar tu tiempo y hacer que luzcas divina a diario, Revista Marie Claire ha diseñado 6 tips infaltables que debes considerar al momento de ordenar tu clóset, obteniendo así un mayor espacio en tu guardarropa y mejorando el estado en que se encuentran tus prendas.

1- Separa la ropa por temporada

Lo primero que debes hacer es separar las prendas en verano/invierno. Pese a que hay piezas como los jeans que son transversales, los abrigos y bikinis no pueden vivir en el mismo universo. Del mismo modo, debes guardar lo que no uses en cajas o bolsas especiales hasta que lo vuelvas a utilizar; tal determinación te ayudará a despejar tu armario.

2- Ordena por categorías

Zapatos, accesorios, blusas, faldas, etc, cada grupo de prendas debe tener un lugar específico en tu guardarropa. Además, se insta a separar el vestuario por tonos, para que así sea más fácil encontrar lo que tanto te gusta y se ajuste al look que deseas crear.

3- Tira aquellas prendas que ya no utilizas

De vez en cuando es necesario hacer una limpieza del armario y ver si lo que está ahí lo estás usando regularmente. Muchas veces esos tacones pronunciados, ese mini vestido de antaño o ese abrigo que ya no te queda, solo está ocupando espacio; por lo que, lo ideal sería revisar cuidadosamente y regalar aquellas piezas que estén sobrando.

4- Mantén una buena iluminación y ventilación

De forma recurrente es necesario que revises que tu guardarropa tenga una buena iluminación que te permita encontrar de mejor forma las prendas; a ello hay que sumar una perfecta ventilación que haga que éstas se mantengan en perfecto estado. Ya que el encierro hace que tanto vestuario como accesorios se impregnen de un olor desagradable que resulta difícil quitar.

5- Óptima organización

Si visitas alguna tienda de retail o de decoración de ambientes, encontrarás una serie de opciones que te ayudarán a mantener en orden tu armario. Colgadores, cajas chicas o productos para organizar tus accesorios, son parte de las alternativas que te harán mantener un orden global de tu guardarropa.

6. Evita comprar cosas innecesarias

Una vez que has conseguido dejar ordenado tu clóset, trata de mantenerlo en esas condiciones y no tirar todo nuevamente. Por eso, si eres de aquellas chicas adictas a las compras, piensa siempre dos veces si tal adquisición la usarás. De lo contrario, es mejor guardar tu dinero y utilizarlo en algo que realmente te haga falta, eso te ayudará a ahorrar y a mantener el orden de tu armario por mucho más tiempo.

jueves, 2 de julio de 2015

Natural Laundry Products: Homemade Laundry Detergent, Fabric Softeners and More

Clean up your laundry room with these natural detergents and fabric softeners, smart appliances and product recommendations.

By Kristin Henningsen
July/August 2014
Using natural laundry products is an easy way to reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals.
Photo by Michael Hitoshi


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Love Your Laundry: Homemade Laundry Detergents

For fresh, clean laundry without chemicals, make your own powders and sprays.
Doing the laundry can be an unnoteworthy, mundane fact of life, but our choices on laundry day can have serious consequences: Many conventional laundry products put us in direct contact with harmful chemicals that can affect our family’s health. Over time, these toxins can contribute to skin sensitivities, allergies and contact dermatitis. Research continues to grow on the effects of toxins found in commercial laundry detergents and fabric softeners. For example, a 2009 study published in Occupational and Environmental Medicine detected an increased risk of respiratory allergies, as well as greater symptoms of sneezing, itchy nose and wheezing in workers handling and producing laundry detergent. Fortunately, there are simple solutions to avoid these chemicals: Homemade natural laundry products are both inexpensive and easy to make at home, and several companies offer safer commercial options sans the chemical soup. Do yourself and your family a favor and make your laundry room healthy and green.

Why Go Natural?

Switching over to natural laundry products is a simple and effective way to reduce your exposure to potentially harmful chemicals. About two-thirds of laundry detergents contain the chemical byproduct 1,4-dioxane, according to David Steinman, an environmental health advocate with the Green Patriot Working Group. Classified by the EPA as “likely to be carcinogenic to humans” by all routes of exposure, this chemical has been detected in a number of brand-name liquid laundry detergents (such as Tide, Purex and Gain—see entire list at the Organic Consumers Association), and often does not rinse out of clothes, sheets or towels. The EPA also warns that contact may cause eye and skin irritation, burns, coughing or shortness of breath. Add that to the cocktail of other chemicals found in conventional laundry detergents and fabric softeners (including sulfates, chlorine, parabens, fragrances and phenols, as well as petroleum distillates linked to cancer and lung disease), and you may never look at your laundry detergent the same way again.
You can avoid these chemicals by opting for organic or natural detergents (see our "Natural Laundry Products Recommendations," later in this article). However, these products tend to cost more than conventional brands, which typically run from $9 to $15 per 64 loads. At that rate, washing those seemingly never-ending piles of laundry can quickly take a toll on our budgets. In comparison, homemade laundry detergents cost about $4 per 80 loads, and are simple to make. Most recipes are composed of three or four ingredients, so they’re easy to make even if you’re short on time.

Clean and Green

Homemade laundry products work for both high-efficiency washer/dryers and older models. As long as we’re improving the health and bottom line of our laundry practices, we may as well consider the energy use that goes into our laundry routine. Energy Star clothes washers use about 20 percent less energy and 35 percent less water than conventional machines. If your machine is more than 10 years old, you will recoup the cost of replacement quickly in energy- and water-bill savings. The science-driven consumer information hub GoodGuide recommends looking for energy-efficient washers with a high Modified Energy Factor (MEF) and a low Water Factor (WF). For dryers, opt for gas-powered with an automatic shut-off feature. Visit Energy Star to research qualified machines.
We can also save energy and money in the laundry room by line-drying clothing whenever possible (check out The New Clothesline Company). When you do need to use the dryer, maximize its efficiency by making sure the lint filter is clean and by using dryer balls to reduce your drying time, as well as static buildup. Wool dryer balls are felted balls of yarn that can be added to any dryer load (see "Make Your Own Dryer Balls" later in this article). As they tumble, the balls bounce and separate the load in the dryer, which allows more hot air to circulate around sheets, towels and clean clothes. In addition, they pull moisture out of your laundry, which reduces drying time. The more you use, the more energy you save.

Make Your Own Dryer Balls

Making dryer balls is easy and fun. All you need is some wool yarn, a sock, and your washer and dryer. To see a video demonstration showing how to make your own dryer balls, visit How to Make Wool Dryer Balls (Video).
• Skein of 100 percent wool yarn
• Scissors
• Sock
• Essential oil, optional
1. Wrap wool yarn around two fingers 10 to 15 times.
2. Pinch the bundle in the middle and pull off your fingers.
3. Wrap yarn around the center of the bundle 10 to 15 times in the other direction.
4. Continue to wrap, alternating directions, making a ball.
5. Once your ball is about the size of a tennis ball, cut the end of the yarn and tuck the cut end under several layers of yarn.
6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for as many dryer balls as you want.
7. Put each dryer ball in the end of a sock or an old pair of pantyhose. Add them to a load of laundry that will run through the hot wash cycle.
8. Wash then dry on the hottest setting. Remove and check for felting; you will know your ball has felted when you can no longer separate the individual strings of yarn. If necessary, put the balls through an additional wash and dry cycle.
9. To use, toss dryer balls into the dryer with your wet laundry. If desired, add a few drops of essential oil to freshen your clothes. When clothes are dry, you can store the balls in the dryer, or place in a basket until your next load.

Rosemary Powdered Laundry Soap Recipe

• 1 cup washing soda
• 1 cup borax*
• 2 cups grated castile bar soap
• 50 drops rosemary essential oil
1. Mix washing soda, borax and soap grounds (see note) in large bowl.
2. Add rosemary essential oil and mix well.
3. Store in a large airtight container.
To use, add 1⁄8 to 1⁄4 cup per load.
Note: Grate bar soap or cut coarsely, then grind in food processor until fine.
*Borax washes completely out of clothes and is safe to use on laundry. However, borax can be irritating when inhaled and may be a potential endocrine disruptor, particularly in males, so keep male children away from it. If this is a particular concern to you, simply replace the borax with a second cup of washing soda or a cup of baking soda.

Lemon-Fresh Liquid Laundry Soap Recipe

• 1 bar castile soap, grated
• 8 cups water
• 5-gallon bucket with lid
• 4-1⁄2 gallons hot tap water
• 1 cup washing soda
• 1 cup borax*
• 2 to 3 teaspoons lemon essential oil
1. In a saucepan over low heat, mix soap (see note) and 8 cups of water, gradually heating and stirring until soap is dissolved.
2. Fill 5-gallon bucket about 3/4 full of hot tap water.
3. Add soap mixture, washing soda and borax.
4. Add lemon essential oil and mix well. Cover, and leave overnight.
5. Transfer into smaller containers if desired.
To use, add 1/2 cup to 1 cup per load.
Note: Grate bar soap or cut coarsely, then grind in food processor until fine.
*Borax washes completely out of clothes and is safe to use on laundry. However, borax can be irritating when inhaled and may be a potential endocrine disruptor, particularly in males, so keep male children away from it. If this is a particular concern to you, simply replace the borax with a second cup of washing soda or a cup of baking soda.

Lavender Fabric Softener Spray

• 3 teaspoons lavender essential oil
• 2 cups white vinegar
1. Combine oil and vinegar in a spray bottle and shake well.
2. To use, spray 5 to 10 times on wet clothes before drying.

Eucalyptus Dryer Sheets

• Cotton cloths
• 1/2 cup white vinegar
• 5 to 10 drops eucalyptus essential oil
• Airtight container
1. Cut cotton cloths such as old dish-towels or T-shirts into small rectangles.
2. Place in airtight container.
3. Mix vinegar and essential oil, then pour liquid into the container so cloths are damp.
4. To use, remove cloth from container, squeeze excess liquid back into jar, and place in the dryer. When dry, place cloth back in container for later use.

Natural Laundry Product Recommendations

Not ready to make your own laundry detergent yet? Try these alternatives.
Soap Nuts from the Soap Lady
60-count laundry pods, $27

Kristin Henningsen is a freelance writer, clinical herbalist and yoga instructor. She teaches classes on health and wellness and is often found leading herb walks, kids in tow. Find her at Bayan Moon Botanicals.

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015

The Amazing Green Cleaner You Probably Don’t Us

  • June 15, 2015
  • 8:30 am
The Amazing Green Cleaner You Probably Don’t Use
Any half-decent chef or baker most likely has a jar of it stashed somewhere, something that they bought long ago, for that one project that one time, and then ignored forevermore. And the name may ring a bell for you, but maybe only in that vaguely-familiar way. Snickerdoodle cookies? Fish sticks?
All the way at the very back of your spice cabinet, pushed into the farthest corner and long forgotten, is that little jar of eco-friendly DIY green cleaning gold: cream of tartar.
Tartaric acid is a white crystalline by-product of winemaking that’s affectionately referred to as “wine diamonds.” How cute is that?! And when it’s collected and ground into powder, it becomes cream of tartar: the secret ingredient in snickerdoodles, and the newest secret weapon in your green cleaning arsenal. There’s about a million and one ways to use cream of tartar around the house, but here are 10 of the very best:

1. Polish copper using a paste made from 1 part cream of tartar and 1 part fresh lemon juice. Just use a rag to rub it on, then rinse it clean and use a fresh rag to dry.
2. Shine up stainless steel with a paste made from cream of tartar and water. This works on everything from flatware and jewelry, all the way up to large kitchen appliances.
3. Buff aluminum pans and get rid of rust or discoloration using a paste of cream of tartar and either water or hydrogen peroxide. Use a scrub brush to apply the paste, then rinse clean.
4. Make a general soft scrub by combining 2 cups distilled vinegar with ½ cup cream of tartar and mixing well. This can be used on countertops, or pretty much any other surface where you’d usually use a mildly abrasive cleanser.
5. Clean and polish your stovetop burner pans using a mix of equal parts cream of tartar and distilled white vinegar. Apply the paste and allow it to sit for 15 minutes before rising it away.
6. Make a bathtub rub that is especially effective against the dreaded “bathtub ring,” by mixing equal parts cream of tartar and baking soda, and then making a paste with a bit of fresh lemon juice. Scrub it onto stains, allow it to sit for 30 minutes, and then rinse it away.
7. Remove bathtub mold and mildew with a simple paste made from cream of tartar and water. A toothbrush or other stiff-bristled brush will really expedite the process.
8. Eliminate stains from porcelain too, like sinks, toilets and more. Simply make a paste of cream of tartar and vinegar in equal parts. Rub the mixture over the stains, wipe it away, and then rinse the area clean.
9. Brighten up your coffee pot by adding 3 teaspoons of cream of tartar. Top it off with water, allow it to heat and sit for a bit, then wipe it clean and rinse as normal.
10. And finally, you can effectively remove that awful “spiderwebbing” and other scuff marks from your plates and mugs. Make a thick paste from cream of tartar and just a bit of water, then use a rag to massage the paste over the marks. Watch ‘em disappear, like magic!

martes, 9 de junio de 2015

DIY Boho Macrame Hanging Jars

DIY Boho Macrame Hanging Jars

Other than the whimsical decorated jars I shared last week, I also created about 70 of these hanging decorations for my friend's wedding. 

But even if you're not getting married anytime soon, a hanging jar would be perfect as a herb planter, or even as a candle holder for any outdoor dinner parties you might have in the summer with friends.

What You'll Need
Measuring Tape
Jars (Medium to large sizes)

1.   Cut 6 pieces of twine, making sure each strand is 68" in length. Gather all the strands together, fold them in half and tie the top into a looped knot.
2.   Separate the twine into six groups of two strands, then tie each new group in a simple knot about one inch away from the large knot. 

3.   Split each knotted group (you made in the previous step) and create new groups of two. Tie these new groups in a knot about one inch away from the previous knot. Repeat this step multiple times, until the net fits perfectly around the jar you chose. Every jar is different, and will require different amount of knotted layers. {Note: You can easily create different designs for your macrame jars by tying the knots on each layer less or more than an inch.}

4.   Place your jar inside of the macrame net. Then take a piece of twine (about 30" in length) and fold it in half. Tie this piece of twine around the top of the jar, making sure the knots from the last layer you created are above this piece of twine.
5.   Group 2 sets of 2 strands, and tie them together just above the rim of the jar. Repeat all around. You should have 3 groups of 4 strands each now.

6.   Tie all of the strands together at the top, about 7-8" above the jar. Seperate the strands into groups of 6. Braid each group of 6 till the braid measures about 3-4".
7.   Tie the 2 braids together, about 2" above the knot at the bottom of the braids. Trim any excess twine at the top. Add your flowers or plants and you're all done!

Hope you all enjoyed creating these vintage inspired hanging jars!
Have a lovely day crafting,

13 Household Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide

13 Household Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide

You might be surprised to find that hydrogen peroxide isn’t recommended for treating minor cuts and scrapes. Instead of tossing this first-aid staple, start putting it to good use with these other household uses.
By Allison Martin
July/August 2015

Salvage and sterilize dirty sponges with a peroxide-water mix.
Photo by Fotolia


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Break out the bubbly—this household staple (usually sold at a 3 percent concentration and used further diluted in water) has many uses around the home. You might be surprised to learn that hydrogen peroxide is not recommended for use on cuts and scrapes by many doctors (it can inhibit healing), but this disinfecting, cheap and easy-to-find household staple has many other excellent uses. Note: Hydrogen peroxide becomes inert if exposed to light or air, so it’s important to store it in an opaque, dark-colored bottle with a lid.
1. Sponge Sterilizer: Combine half water and half hydrogen peroxide in a bowl, then soak a dirty sponge for 10 minutes before rinsing.
2. Neat Nails: First trim and file nails. Next, fill a bowl with warm water and add 15 drops of almond, avocado or olive oil; soak fingertips for 10 minutes. Dry hands, then wipe nails with a hydrogen peroxide-soaked cotton ball to whiten. Add a drop of oil to each cuticle and massage it in.
3. Sink Sparkler: Get a stained white sink sparkling again by spraying hydrogen peroxide in the sink, then allowing it to sit for 30 minutes or more. Scrub, then rinse.
4. Grout Cleaner: After cleaning your tub, whiten any dingy grout by spritzing it with hydrogen peroxide. After it has bubbled for 10 minutes, scrub with a toothbrush and rinse.
5. Make Your Bowl Glow: Pour hydrogen peroxide directly into the toilet bowl, and let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes to disinfect and bleach stains. Scrub clean with a toilet brush.
6. Air Purifier: Combine 1 pint hydrogen peroxide with 1 gallon water and pour it into your humidifier to clean the machine from the inside out.
7. Underarm-Stain Lifter: To erase underarm stains, combine one part castile soap and two parts hydrogen peroxide, apply to the stains, then let sit for one hour. Rinse in cold water, then run through the washing machine.
8. Bleach Alternative: Replace chlorine bleach—its manufacture releases toxic dioxins into the environment—with hydrogen peroxide. Simply soak light-colored laundry in hydrogen peroxide, rinse in cold water, then run it through the washing machine.
9. Stain Breaker: Attack tough blood or red wine stains in clothing by pouring the hydrogen peroxide directly on the stain, then rinsing in cold water. Hydrogen peroxide is a mild bleaching agent, so use this trick on light-colored clothing and/or test on a small patch first.
10. Smile Enhancer: To whiten teeth, mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to form a paste. Brush normally and use daily for a brighter smile.
11 Mouthwash Magic: Dilute hydrogen peroxide in water (about half and half) and use as a mouthwash. Swish the mixture in your mouth to whiten teeth and kill bacteria, but be very careful not to swallow any.
12. Fresh and Clean: Bacteria can flourish on makeup brushes and sponges. To sterilize yours, add castile soap to warm water and soak brushes, tweezers and sharpeners. Rinse in cold water, then dunk in a half hydrogen peroxide/half water solution. Soak for 10 minutes, then immerse brushes in a cold water bath for 10 minutes. Remove and dry on a clean, dry cloth.

El diario quehacer del hogar, es el único trabajo que sólo se nota, cuando no esta hecho.